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6 Tips on How to Ride a Motorcycle for Beginners

submitted on 22 November 2022 by
6 Tips on How to Ride a Motorcycle for Beginners Now that you've made up your mind to join the ranks of motorcyclists, it's time to get down to business. Motorcycle riding has the potential to be both an exhilarating and liberating experience, but also a risky one if riders aren't equipped with the information necessary to be safe on the road.

Fear of motorcycle risks shouldn't prevent you from enjoying your new bike, so long as you familiarize yourself with all the rules of safe motorcycle operation.

A beginner's primer on motorcycle riding is provided here for your perusal.

1. Always Be On The Lookout - Be Defensive

Always take precautions while riding a motorbike. Drive as though you don't have any faith in other motorists, because you can't. Always keep a watchful eye on the actions of the vehicles surrounding you.

If you suspect a motorist ahead of you is preoccupied, give them plenty of space. Avoiding collisions is something you'll need to work on. Master the art of making a controlled stop on a bicycle. You should also practice swerving at the last minute without losing control of your vehicle. You should always ride with the assumption that other motorists can't see you.

2. Switch Off the Choke

Motorcycles with chokes are uncommon, but if yours has one, you should get in the habit of disabling it after the engine has warmed up. If your motorcycle's engine has been turned off for a while, you should turn on the choke. You should cut off the engine as soon as it reaches operating temperature. It's a classic rookie error to forget to turn it off. It will waste gas if you fail to turn it off.

As with any bad habit, if you make leaving it on a regular occurrence, your bike will suffer the consequences. Disengage the choke by turning the knob.

3. Keep Your Grip Loose

Riding a speed bike requires a relaxed hold on the handlebars and a firm grip with the legs. Keep your upper body relaxed when riding to improve control.

If your upper body is stiff and your grasp is excessively tight, you may find it difficult to turn or respond swiftly when driving. Keep your arms at your sides with a little room. You can make sure they're not tense by giving them a nice wiggle now and again.

You won't have to worry about firmly grasping the bike with your legs if you're riding a cruiser. In 2022, the greatest cruisers will no longer need you to hold your legs in a close embrace as you ride. Although, you should also maintain your upper body relaxed when riding your cruiser.

4. Avoid Stopping or Using the Brakes While Navigating a Turn

It's possible to use the brakes while turning in a vehicle, but doing so while on a motorbike is dangerous. It's risky to use the brakes when turning since your bike might suddenly straighten up and throw you off the road.

Instead, you should learn to use the brakes before making a turn. To make a turn safely, slow the bike to a speed at which you feel comfortable, and then ride through it without using the brakes. It is recommended that you make it a practice to check your surroundings before completing a turn.

Look as deep into the turn as you can by tilting your head. Always be aware of your overall location. This will offer you the clearest picture of what is around the bend.

5. Practice in All Conditions

Get some bike riding experience under your belt before venturing into the real world. Practice in as many different environments as possible when you do take it out for a trial run. You should be able to handle riding in a variety of conditions, including wet roads, rain, hills, and steep descents.

Places like empty, spacious parking lots are perfect for drills. Use these sessions to hone your bike handling skills, learn to ride at slow and fast speeds, and perfect your 180-degree turns. While you've practiced this maneuver in the parking lot and are confident with it, you'll feel more at ease when doing it on the road.

6. Wear Appropriate Attire

Always make sure you are properly attired and equipped. It's a good idea to get motorcycling gear and to wear many layers whenever feasible. Wearing leather trousers while riding a motorbike may protect you from road rash and the hot chrome of the bike itself.

You may avoid road rash by wearing a leather jacket. Not only are boots necessary, but so are a helmet and protective eyewear. The purpose of each of these objects is to keep you safe.
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